A group of Venezuelan human rights organizations put out a press release on Sunday responding to accusations Interior Minister Miguel Rodríguez Torres made against human rights activist Rocío San Miguel. San Miguel is President of the human rights NGO Control Ciudadano which specializes on access to information in military matters.
On Saturday 20th in an interview on state television Rodríguez Torres responded to San Miguel’s criticisms of the use of military personal in his citizen’s security Plan Patria Segura, by suggesting that she is a CIA operative.
“I was listening to [San Miguel] talk about human rights and the Armed Forces the other day. What I can tell you about her is that she is a CIA operative in Venezuela, and I can prove it.”
In their press release the human rights NGO’s reminded the Venezuelan that since January 18th 2012 San Miguel is protected by a precautionary measure ordered by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for the protection of her physical, moral, and psychological integrity.