Last week’s murder of Accion Democratica leader Luis Manuel Díaz in a campaign event lead to mutual accusations and a number of statements rejecting electoral violence (see statements by opposition coalition Mesa de la Unidad Democratica, UNASUR, OAS, the European Union, and the US Department of State). Below we append a translation of the statement of electoral obseration NGO Observatorio Electoral Venezolano.
Observatorio Electoral Venezolano (OEV)
Nothing is more contrary to elections than violence. Voting is a tool for citizens to change trends, chose among different options, and settle political differences in a civilized manner. This is why the Observatorio Electoral Venezolano (OEV) deeply regrets the death of Luis Manuel Díaz, Secretary General of the party Acción Democrática in Guárico State.
The OEV demands an investigation by public authorities in order to prevent this event, which could very seriously alter the normal development of the democratic process, from going unpunished. The OEV considers irresponsible, and even dangerous, declarations by persons and organizations that have precipitated judgments in this case.
The OEV condemns this death, as well as other events which took place previously during the electoral campaign, and asks all political sectors to maintain public peace at all cost. Above all the OEV demands public authorities to fulfill their responsibility of guaranteeing peace in the December 6 elections.
Finally, the OEV extends its condolences to families and friends of the deceased political leader.
Caracas, November 2015.