David Smilde

David Smilde

David Smilde is a WOLA Senior Fellow and the Charles A. and Leo M. Favrot Professor of Human Relations at Tulane University. He founded the WOLA Venezuela Politics and Human Rights blog and curated it from 2012-2020. He has lived in or worked on Venezuela since 1992, and has researched Venezuela for the past 30 years. He has taught at the Universidad Central de Venezuela and the Universidad Católica Ándres Bello. He is currently working on a book manuscript called Venezuela’s Transition to Illiberalism: Hugo Chávez and 21st Century Socialism, 2007-2012.

Venezuela Weekly: Guaidó Returns, Challenges Loom

The real challenge is yet to come with the need to develop a strategy to confront legislative elections this year. What is more, the political capital that Guaidó gained in meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump would seem more valuable for radical strategies of boycotting and calling for intervention, than fighting to preserve the National Assembly.