Timothy M. Gill

Timothy M. Gill

Bio coming soon more here.

Venezuela at the Crossroads, Tulane Symposium

On April 21, the Stone Center and the Center for Inter-American Policy and Research (CIPR) at Tulane University hosted a discussion of recent political events in Venezuela, including Jennifer McCoy (Georgia State University), David Smilde (Tulane University), and...

NACLA: Wither Venezuelan Bolivarianism?

I have a new article in the recent NACLA magazine on the international context of the Venezuelan government. The article traces the rise of former President Hugo Chávez and the left in Latin America, the recent rise of right-wing leaders in several countries, and...

Notes on U.S.-Venezuela Relations under Trump

Although U.S.-Venezuelan relations did not find their way onto the debate stage in the US presidential elections, we can think about how Trump might approach Venezuela based on his foreign policy statements. These statements have fluctuated between, on the one hand,...

Venezuela on the outs with Mercosur

Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay have aligned against the Venezuelan government and threatened its membership within Mercosur, the Southern Common Market that includes Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela. The Maduro Administration will have until...

Diversity of Interests Shapes US Venezuela Policy

In recent weeks, several US policymakers have advocated for actions involving the Venezuelan government, showing the diversity of US interests and perspectives. While the US Department of State Spokesperson Marie Harf criticized the Venezuelan government’s handling of...