The Washington Office on Latin America cordially invites you to participate in a

Q&A on Venezuela with WOLA Senior Fellow David Smilde

Wednesday, July 3, 2013
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. EDT (2:30-3:30 Caracas)
Tweet your questions using #askWOLAVZ

This Wednesday, July 3, marks the one year anniversary of WOLA’s Venezuelan Politics and Human Rights Blog. The blog, moderated by WOLA Senior Fellow David Smilde, has provided independent, reality-based analysis over the course of a very eventful year in Venezuela’s history—one that included two Presidential elections and the death of President Hugo Chávez.

To celebrate the one-year anniversary of the blog’s launch, WOLA will be hosting a live Q&A on Twitter with David Smilde(@dsmilde). You can join the conversation by tweeting your questions using the hashtag #askWOLAVZ.

Be sure to check out the latest posts at, or follow David on Twitter for analyses on Venezuela issues. You can also sign up to receive new posts via email by visiting the blog and clicking the “sign up to receive by email” link on the right side of the page.