WOLA is a leading research and advocacy organization committed to advancing human rights in the Americas. We create strategic partnerships with courageous people making social change—advocacy organizations, academics, religious and business leaders, artists, and government officials. Together, we advocate for more just societies in the Americas.

A Conversation With Venezuela’s Civic Forum

Recent months in Venezuela have seen the steady articulation of human rights NGOs, academics, faith groups, business leaders, labor unions, and other civil society sectors into the Civic Forum. This coalition has sought to push for peaceful democratic change, and engages with all relevant stakeholders to advance desperately-needed solutions to Venezuela’s political and humanitarian crisis.

The Challenges of Negotiating a Return to Democracy in Venezuela

Venezuela’s intractable political conflict has been punctuated by multiple attempts at dialogue, none of which have yet resolved the crisis. Today new negotiations have the support of the United States, the European Union, Latin American governments, and several Venezuelan stakeholders.